Birthday Gift Ideas for Kids with Autism
Apr 10, 2022
Tosh turned 11 years old earlier this month, and we had a ridiculously fun party in our backyard to celebrate with friends.
Check this out: he loved every single gift he received. Really! How is that possible?
Well for starters, people are great about asking what he wants. Many of our friends are autism families, there's no embarrassment that he's not into the latest toys or movies, as you'll see below. I'm free to tell them exactly what he wants and they won't blink an eye if it isn't a toy or "normal" gift. Plus, both sides of the family accept him as he is, so those gifts fit, too.
Here's some neat gift ideas I hope you'll find helpful:
Tape is one of Tosh's favorite things. Every day he creates art compositions that require cutting and pasting or taping. Then he tapes them up on the wall. He also uses tape to make mummies out of little toys. And then there's the old, "my mouth is taped shut!" daily gag. Scotch tape is gold to Tosh, and this is a prime example of why it's so important to have other nonverbal friends. When another nonverbal mom asks what he wants, you can answer "a sixer of Scotch" and she already knows what you mean. LOL
I never would have thought to get Tosh squirt guns, but he loves these quick loaders. However, I may have to speak with Spiderman and Anna about gun safety and appropriate water play. haha
Tosh also received a few origami books and a pad of colorful folding paper. So far, he's content to pick the project and watch me fold it, but that's how he begins most new things. He'll soon being doing it on his own. Don't hate us because we use Googly eyes with our origami. We put googly eyes on everything, doesn't everyone?
This cute little avocado and pit plushies are extra special because it's an inside joke between Tosh and the kids who picked it out. Plus, we literally live on Avocado Highway and our town was named after a horticultural pioneer who hybridized avocados for commercial farming and invented the Haas avocado. What a special toy!
If it involves painting, Tosh will love it. That's really all anybody needs to known when it comes to gifts these days.
These little battery powered robotic fish were his favorite Christmas gift, but they get gross in the tub pretty quickly so we already had to toss them. They only run while wet and they light up and swim around the tub or wading pool. These are holding up better than the ones we got the first time so here's a link to buy them from Amazon. These came with extra batteries and a tiny screwdriver, too!
Tosh also received lots of toys to play with in a deep pool, including an inflatable basketball net. That's the fun of living in Southern California, even if you don't have an in-ground pool, plenty of people you know do, and they invite you over for playdates and appreciate it when you bring your own inflatable rafts and games. =)
His big present from me was to spruce up his trampoline. I replaced the shredded spring pads, added LED lights and his aunts gifted him a portable bluetooth speaker so he can jam to his own tunes while jumping. I also had part of the yard leveled and artificial turf installed for a sensory-friendly kiddie pool play area.
Tosh also got one of those towels that are squished up into a little pellet and you put it in water to expand. That was a fun little thing! This kid got so much stuff, so many other toys and books and art supplies and gift cards neat stuff that I can't remember it all. Our friends are all so generous and thoughtful!
Tosh Mom got three boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, which was an unexpected treat! I also received some fancy hippie soap. Autism moms know mom needs a little sumthin too.
Happy birthday Tosh! Thanks, everyone, for making his birthday great!
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