Holiday gift ideas for autistic kids of all ages
Nov 30, 2022
Have you finished your Holiday shopping yet? Even with planning ahead, shopping for a kid, tween or teen with autism can be a challenge.
If you're in need of some ideas, here are 7 new ones. Some of these are toys Tosh already has that his friends love, and others are presents I've chosen for him this year. And if you don't feel like braving the stores, you're in luck - you can get everything from Amazon!
Arctic Fun Penguin Race
I've recommended this toy on autism parenting group sites and haven't heard of one kid yet who didn't absolutely love it. Tosh and his friends have been obsessed with it all year. And bonus: this specific model has an off switch to silence the world's most annoying sound effects. You're welcome!
Alphabet robot transformers
A couple of Tosh's friends head straight for these whenever they come over to play. One boy got a set for his birthday, and another is receiving a set for Christmas. Popular with Dads, too!
Inflatable eyeball
We used these as decorations for our Halloween party, and one of our minimally verbal friends absolutely loved it. It's basically a beach ball, and our friend has a pool, so he's definitely getting a set from us this year.
Ninja bots
I picked these up cheap on Black Friday for Tosh. The video of them fighting is hilarious. He's going to love them!
No longer available =(
3D Pin Art Board
Tosh received a mini version of this as a birthday party favor and has played with it consistently, so I'm upgrading him for Christmas. This one is big enough to be placed down over small toys laying on the floor, making it easy and fun for kids with motor challenges.
Crayola Scribble Scrubbie Pets
If you have a kid who colors their toys like mine does, this looks like it could be a big hit. I got it thinking it might also make a good bath toy.
UPDATE ONE YEAR LATER: This was my student's favorite gift last year!
Magic Tracks Glow-in-the-Dark Race Set
We've had multiple versions of this set for the last 4 years, and Tosh and his friends still love to play with them. The cars have lights underneath that make the track glow, providing fun visual stimulation. And the set holds up pretty well. I got extra track so they can set it up around the kitchen island - this primary set only provides 10 feet of track. But for four years and counting, I've definitely gotten my money's worth. We also have the Dinosaur Chompers version!
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